Condominium Software

Southworth Solutions designs and produces powerful, easy-to-use condominium software applications that assist and accelerate the performance of concierge staff and, at the same time, allow managers to visualize what is going on in their complex. Efficient and user-friendly logging of visitors providing specific information about a residence are at the center of our spectrum of condominium management products.






Key Features & Benefits:

♦  Condo Unit Onscreen Layout
♦  In-house Package Tracking
♦  Onsite Vacancy Visualization
♦  Parking Maps
♦  Parking Space Assignments
♦  Condo Unit Onscreen Layout
♦  Touch enabled Building Locations
♦  Guest Authorization
♦  Guest Arrival Alerts via Text Message to Resident



Ease Of Use

Little to no typing is required to operate the system, Our product works with touchscreens as well as mouse and keyboard. Just tap on an icon representing the residence unit and all of the information about that unit will instantly appear on the screen. Tap a name on the pre-authorized visitors list and the guest is instantly logged in with the date and time automatically inserted. The system is specifically designed for intuitive operation, so training time for all users is minimal - about five minutes.

Meeting your exact needs

We work with you and customize our products to satisfy your precise needs.

YOU decide what is important!

♦  Do you need "up-north" alternate address information?
♦  Do you want to track what units are for sale or lease?
♦  Do you want to track resident vehicle information and parking assignments?

Is there a special requirement unique to your condominium complex? We will tailor your software to meet your needs.

Please Note: No local administrators required - we do the admin work for you!


With Just A Click Or A Touch You Can Answer These Questions And More:

♦  Who is in my building now and to which unit have they gone?
♦  Did the cleaning service for unit 315 come last week?
♦  Which units are currently occupied?
♦  Let me see a color-coded occupancy diagram.
♦  Is Carly Simon authorized to visit unit 674?
♦  Who checked out the backdoor key for unit 417?
♦  Has the Fedex package for Mrs. Harris arrived and has it been delivered?
♦  Which parking spaces have been assigned to unit 222?

The answers to these and many more questions are concisely organized and instantly accessible.

For Managers Too

Not only does our software provide easy-to-use tools for the concierge desk, but it allows management to monitor residence information as well as everything done by the concierge staff, and sensitive management information may be withheld from the concierge staff.


Call today for a free demonstration or quote.





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